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PosiTector 6000 Wireless Bluetooth Printer

Artikel-Nr. 1175

Bluetooth Drucker, für 1172

Nur für DPM Advanced. Batteriebetrieben oder über Netzteil

$340.00 €559.00 exkl. Steuern & Versand


  • Bluetooth wireless technology
  • Rechargeable Lithium Ion battery with universal AC adaptor, compact printer receives data from all PosiTector Advanced models - no gage update required
  • Direct replacement for the existing Martel printer, and will be included in all new printer orders.
  • Faster print speed - 6mm/s
  • Lightweight and compact
  • One year warranty
  • Ink-free thermal paper (The new thermal paper is compatible with new and old printer models. The old paper cannot be used with the new printer)
  • 1.75" x 3.25" x 4.375" (4.5 cm x 8 cm x 11 cm)
  • To print Batch readings or send live readings (stream) from the PosiTector (Advanced Models) wirelessly to your printer a Bluetooth connection must be set up.
  • The Bluetooth icon allows the operator to monitor the status of the Bluetooth connection between the gage and computer. Note: Readings will not be transmitted while the Bluetooth icon is in a Disconnected state.
    • Disconnected: The PosiTector is not connected to the software on your computer.
    • Connected: The Bluetooth connection has been established between the PosiTector 6000 and printer or the SPC software on your computer.
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