Il BYK-mac i COLOR controlla la luminosità e flop chiaro-scuro o del colore di una finitura ad effetto, misurando sotto diversi angoli di osservazione. Inoltre, rileva e quantifica la luce fluorescente nel campo visibile.
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Color Measurement
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Multi-angle Color Measurement
Today effect finishes play a dominant role in many applications as they make an object distinctively appealing. In contrast to conventional solid colors, effect finishes change their appearance with viewing angle and lighting conditions. Interference finishes show not only a lightness change with different viewing angle, but also a change in chroma and hue. The latest developments are special effect pigments, which create sparkling effects when lighting conditions change from sunlight to cloudy sky.In order to describe these effects objectively instrumental measurement is performed with multi-angle spectrophotometers. The following article reviews visual evaluation of effect coatings, measurement principle of a multi-angle and effect spectrophotometer and illustrates data interpretation of sparkle and graininess values.
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