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Color Measurement - Theory and Practice

Newton - JW von Goethe - Wittgenstein were concerned about colors and approached it from different ways to understand the difference between optical spectrum and the human color perception. The Theory of Color Measurement used in today's industrial world of color quality control is based on their findings and modern color spectrophotometers combine the two approaches to provide objective color data for a fact-based communication.

All you need to know to be a color expert in today's world.

Attend the BYK-Gardner WEBseminar to learn more!


In only 60 minutes we will answer the most frequently asked questions:

  • What factors play a fundamental role in the perception of color?
  • What are a standard illuminant and a standard observer?
  • How are CIELAB values calculated and how are they interpreted?
  • Which geometry fits my application?
  • What are the advantages of digital standards?
  • Which BYK solution suits my needs?

Presented by Henrik Folkerts, BYK-Gardner


  • Italiano: 17 gennaio 2025, h 11.00 (Milano)
  • Deutsch: 21. Januar 2025, 10:00 (MEZ)
  • English - EU: January 21, 2025, 15:00 (MEZ), 14:00 (GMT)
  • English - Asia: January 22, 2025, 15:00 (Hong Kong)
  • English - US: January 22, 2025, 10:00 am (EST)


Missed the WEBseminar? No problem - you can watch our last WEBseminar on demand by clicking on the link to the recording below.

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