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Hardness and Flexibility of Coatings

What is hardness? Hardness is the resistance of a coating to a mechanical force, such as pressure, rubbing, or scratching. Therefore, the term "hardness" in coatings often leads to misunderstandings.

A coating should have a certain hardness, but, on the other hand, it should also have a certain elasticity or flexibility.

To be able to determine the hardness and flexibility of coatings, various test methods are shown in the WEBseminar.

Attend the free BYK-Gardner WEBseminar to learn more!


In 60 minutes you will be able to decide which instrument is the best for your specific requirement and assignment:

  • What is the difference between hardness and flexibility?
  • Why should they correlate?
  • Which instrument is the best for your application?
  • NEW Fully automated instrument for measuring pendulum hardness in accordance with the König and Persoz methods

Presented by Dirk Fischer, Technical Marketing, BYK-Gardner

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